Media - Ryan Group


In The News

What’s New At Ryan International School, Bhopal

Grand celebration of MD Madam’s Birthday’ - Hari Bhoomi - Ryan International School, Bhopal
Grand Annual Day Celebration’ - Hari Bhoomi - Ryan International School, Bhopal
'Independence Day Celebration at Ryan’ - Patrika Plus - Ryan International School, Bhopal
Grand Investiture Ceremony at Ryan International School Bhopal’ - Patrika Plus - Ryan International School, Bhopal
‘Winners of Table Tennis Championship’ - City Bhaskar - Ryan International School, Bhopal
‘Ryanite wins 3rd Prize in State Chess Championship’ - City Bhaskar - Ryan International School, Bhopal
'Summer Camp’ - Patrika Plus - Ryan International School, Bhopal
100 percent result in class X’ - Patrika Plus - Ryan International School, Bhopal
Excellent academic performance by Ryanites - City Live Patrika Plus - Ryan International School, Bhopal