Ryan International School (RIS), Bardoli, Surat, is a renowned ICSE Montessori-XII co-ed school established in the year 2005. It is counted among the top 10 ICSE schools in Bardoli and is also affiliated with CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) at the primary level to offer a truly global experience. The school's mission is to help students achieve 360-degree development by providing adequate support and proper infrastructure and it has the vision to create successful global citizens within its community.
Founded in
Awards & Recognitions
16th March, 2019
The Atal Tinkering Lab was inaugurated on 16.02.2019 by Ms. Nirali Thakkar Senior Pilot Air Ventura and Mr. Yugandhar the chairman of Kamrej Sugar Factory.
08th June, 2019
Following Our Chairman Sir's Vision to Save the environment The Bardoli Ryanites outreached the public offices
29th June, 2019
The International Day of Yoga was celebrated on 21 June following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.
February 06, 2019
Ryan Minithon 2019 was featured in Gujarat Guardian Date: 6th February 2019
February 16, 2019
May 10, 2019
Board Result was featured in Gujarat Guardian Date: 10th May 2019