Our Philosophy - Ryan International School


KASSM Approach

"Education can bring back on track any deviated affair and change the course of the world for the better."

The Ryan way is defined as KASSM

  • Knowledge - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


  • Attitude - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


  • Skills - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


  • Social Values - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur

    Social Values

  • Moral Values - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur

    Moral Values

To make the world a better place is what we aim to develop in Ryan students. Our approach therefore is to impart education and create a renewed sense of enlightenment. The magnitude of which is well capable of establishing an individual's development to the highest level.The KASSM approach is a means that has become a guiding example, using the concept of learning out of its old conditioning. We take this concept forward by the gradual unraveling of one's inner potential through the right mix of academia and other related activities for enriched living. Hence, Ryanites are Kings and Queens in the making. Our institutions provide a learning environment that focuses on all-round development of the child.

12 Vision points

Ryan International Group aims to be a premier global educational institution developing young minds into the leaders of tomorrow.
Our institutions cultivate children's all-round development in their moral and social skills, giving them an edge against peers.

  • 01
    Education - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To follow our motto - "Excellence in Education & All-Round Development" in letter and spirit and to develop learners for life.

  • 02
    Art and Culture - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur

    Art and Culture

    To ensure student participation in performing/creative arts and cultural exchange programmes for their holistic development.

  • 03
    Media - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To develop sharp communication skills by providing training & organizing regular interactive sessions & workshops.

  • 04
    HR Developement- Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur

    HR development

    To nurture the contributing citizens of tomorrow and to cultivate the change makers of the coming time.

  • 05
    Environment - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To conduct environment awareness programmes in all schools and to carry out plantation drives and rallies on a regular basis. "Each One, Plant One"

  • 06
    Values - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To instill the fundamental values of integrity, Obedience, Humility, Trustworthiness, Punctuality, Dedication and love of Lord among our students.

  • 07
    Sports - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To train students in order to become the champions of tomorrow in the sports arena at the national and international levels.

  • 08
    Philanthropy - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To make students learn the importance of helping the needy and underprivileged and to encourage them to take part in various community development activities.

  • 09
    Finance - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To train students in the basics of Savings, Practical Finance and Financial Planning.

  • 10
    Entrepreneurship - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To develop business and entrepreneurship skills among students in order to become contributing citizens of tomorrow.

  • 11
    Leadership - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur


    To Develop Leaders of tomorrow through initiatives like INMUN, World Scholar's Cup, Presidential Classrooms, ICFPA, School Parliament etc.

  • 12
    Healthy Living - Ryan Intetrnational School, SXHS Jabalpur

    Healthy Living

    To raise awareness about living and to conduct health related workshops in the schools on a regular basis.