Graduation Day and Annual Day

Date : February 29, 2020

A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work " - Colin Powell The saying completely fits on our young Ryanites who put their arduous and sedulous efforts in making the day a big success. Our first Graduation and Annual Day marked as a red letter day for Ryan International School, Bikaner on February 29,2020 when our Ryanites#ryanites unveiled themselves astonishingly with the theme-"Together We Can " and made everyone bewitched and mesmerized with their bunch of talent.The ceremonious day commenced with a delightful Prayer and Worship song remembering the Supreme Being.Various Welcome and Thank you speeches in different languages by the little ones captivated and mesmerized the audience. Their intonation,modulation,pronunciation,the confidence in them and the nonchalant attitude made the audience under the spell. The voices of Bikaner- RJ Riya ,Rj Mayur and Rj Rohit, President of Rotary Club -Mr. Punit Harsh ,Dr. Raina Dogra,Physiotherapist at M.N.Hospital, Mr. Gokul Joshi, Mr. Rajesh Bansal and Mr.RaviChandan- Model and Actor were the guests of the day who appreciated and acknowledged children & s hard work which was just the icing on the cake. Based on the vision points of our respected Chairman Sir Dr A.F.Pinto and Managing Director Madam Dr.Grace Pinto ,children depicted various cultural programs through patriotic dances, musical orchestra which spread a wonderful message of & Unity in Diversity .A matter of concern & Global Warming and the multifarious ways to bring the changes to the Mother earth and make it more green through a skit-& Eddie-the Penguin was beautifully delineated by our little ones from Mont-I to Grade II was the pinnacle of the day. Mst. Navish Arora and Ms.Aradhya Ranga from Mont-III were felicitated and rewarded with Ryan Prince and Ryan Princess Award.