tips to avoid getting sick during the monsoon season in india - Ryan Group

Tips to Avoid Getting Sick During the Monsoon Season in India [Infographic]

The much-awaited monsoon season brings with itself the promise of rain, new life, and an escape from the prickling heat. What it also brings, are some health concerns that we all need to be mindful of.

The rainwater lying around makes it easy for mosquitoes to breed, increasing the risk of mosquito transmitted infections, such as malaria and dengue fever. Viral infections are also common on the rise.

Monsoon Health Tips for Staying Healthy in India

In this #RyanHealthGuidean initiative by Ryan International Group, we talk about some tips and precautions to be taken during the rainy season –

  • Avoid street food – Pollution of water and raw vegetables is very common during the monsoon and you can easily fall ill from contaminants.
  • Apply a strong insect repellent – To keep mosquitoes away and prevent getting bitten.
  • Avoid walking through dirty water -Besides leptospirosis, it can lead to numerous fungal infections.
  • Stay dry – Don’t continue to wear wet clothes, wet socks, or wet shoes. Dry them.
  • Stay away from Viral Infections – Avoid colds and coughs by keeping your body warm and dry, and by avoiding air-conditioned rooms with wet hair and damp clothes.
  • Stay healthy – Drink lots of warming herbal teas, especially those with antibacterial properties. Include Vitamin C in your meals to boost your immune system and help fight off infections.

For you to stay safe and enjoy the monsoon to its fullest, we prepared an infographic on simple health tips for rainy season.

With little effort, care, and caution everyone can enjoy this monsoon to its best. Happy Monsoon!

Also, don’t forget to check our last week’s blog, where we saw some interesting ways to Improve Child’s Digital Health and Wellness, by analyzing the risks and the best practices.

We would be happy to hear your comments and feedback on topics which we should cover in the upcoming release. Do let us know in the comments below.

Ryan Editorial Team